Red Cross’ 150 Ways Project

Check out more Pink Day info here!

Hello everyone,

I am beyond excited to share my class’ first contribution to our learning project!  As part of the Red Cross’ 150 Ways Initiative, we created a little video to share some of the ways WE will stand up to bullying and mistreatment.  My kiddos were so excited to share their ideas and hopefully be part of a positive change in our school, community, city, country and the world. ❤


These kids give me hope for a bright, loving, accepting future.  We got this.

Thanks for checking it out,

Dani ❤

“Educating the mind without educating the heart,

is no education at all.”



4 thoughts on “Red Cross’ 150 Ways Project

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  1. Your students are adorable! I love that video they should be proud they were all so well spoken and their artwork was beautiful. Great message!


  2. This is incredible! Thank you for sharing. There is nothing better than seeing students be proud to make a difference the way your students are. Congratulations!


  3. Just want to let you know that last night my kid (in your class) told me he wants to give $30 of his savings to a charity to help children in Africa. We’ll be delighted to help him do that. Thanks for doing what you’re doing 🙂


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