My True Story of Openness

Hello my ECI831 friends and beyond,

This week I chose to make a quick video and share my true story of openness.  In my video…as you’ll soon find out if you choose to watch it, that I am aware of how “off topic” my story is based on the content of the course, but it’s my story none the less!  I watched this video on True Stories of Open Sharing and loved the idea – so in addition to this story I am also going to post a video of myself reading a favourite book of mine in hopes that it will come in handy or touch someone, somewhere one day.  Watch for that later this weekend! 🙂  I think this post ties into my Learning Project as well as I am encouraging my kiddos everyday when they get a chance to be our Facebook Author and Photographer to tell the stories that matter to them…the ones that catch their attention, make them feel happy or catch them off guard.  I am asking my littles to step out of their comfort zones, so I should do the same.



Thank you for bearing with my rambles.

❤ Dani

“Educating the mind without educating the heart,

Is no education at all.”


7 thoughts on “My True Story of Openness

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  1. Thanks for listening to the stories and doing your own, Dani. I would have never known this if you had not shared in your blog, it sent a message to my site, and then to me.

    Your sharing may feel small but it’s not insignificant. Certainly not if you got messages from others.

    Congrats on the half marathon; I did the same thing, and the name of my blog was “I Hate Running”.

    Keep sharing the pet pics, that may be the only act that saves the internet. And if you ever have a bad day, take a click over to


    1. Wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment…again…tagging something online without thinking anyone will care or look! :S haha. I assure you, I could have blogged about how much I hated it too, it certainly never turned into a love of mine! Thanks for the site recommendation, I have to agree – there are never enough cute animal pics to brighten someone’s day. Again, I appreciate you taking the time to comment – I love all the stories, people are inspiring, big stories and seemingly small. Take care.


  2. I think your story was a great example Dani! I commend you on running a half marathon as well because that is something I don’t know if I could ever do! I do the same thing when I post online; assume that no one will really care and I think it’s awesome that you were honest with your fitness journey and it kept you accountable. Well done!


    1. Hi Shelby! Thank you so much for the comment and for watching. You absolutely could run a half marathon – if I can do it, anyone can! I was not a runner, never was, but I set the goal and trained hard. I started in a learn to run clinic at The Running Room. Thanks again. 🙂


  3. Thank you for sharing your story. I believe it is always an act of giving when sharing positive stories! I too have been inspired by a Beachbody coach. A friend of mine back home posted daily her ‘sweaty selfies’ after workouts and the simple, yet nutritious meals she would make for herself. I followed her progress on social media, not knowing she was a Beachbody coach at the time, thinking (silently) how brave she was to post such “intimate” photos of her daily life. She always had positive messages about her new lifestyle and how it transformed her well-being. After a few months, I reached out to her asking her how she was doing it! I understand that there is controversy about Beachbody coaches authenticity, but nonetheless, I viewed her as genuine and inspirational!

    After some reflection on how her sharing affected me, I did learn a lot about my own beliefs and values placed on body image. I realize that I have been very much influenced by a culture of thinness to the extent that I felt my friend was “brave” to post her “intimate” photos. I wish I could say I felt empowered to forge my own online media campaign to aid in her effort to normalize a healthy body image, but at least I was inspired by my friend to adopt a healthier lifestyle!


    1. Thank you so much for the comment Coralee! 🙂 It’s all about finding inspiration around us to help meet any goals! I usually always have something on the go because I feel like I need to be the kind of person I hope my littles (in my classes) are one day. I speak a lot in my class about setting goals and working hard and being proud of effort and the time we spend on them. Were you able to start a journey of your own? I go to the Wheelhouse ( about 5 times a week now and LOVE it. You just need to find what makes you happy and keeps you healthy – if we don’t have our health it’s hard to have much else. Thanks again.


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